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Create a Plugin

What's in the plugin?

The directory structure is as follows:

    ├── LICENSE
    └── hooks
        └── available.lua
        └── env_keys.lua
        └── post_install.lua
        └── pre_install.lua
    └── lib
        └── xxx.lua
        └── xxx.lua
        └── xxx.lua
    └── metadata.lua
  • hooks directory is used to store the plugin's hook functions. One hook function corresponds to one .lua file.
  • lib directory is used to store the plugin's dependent libraries. vfox will automatically load all .lua files in this directory. If placed in other directories, it will not be loaded.
  • metadata.lua Plugin metadata information. Used to describe the basic information of the plugin, such as the plugin name, version, etc.
  • Plugin documentation.
  • LICENSE Plugin license.

Plugin template

To facilitate the development of plugins, we provide a plugin template that you can use directly vfox-plugin-template to develop a plugin.

Hooks Overview

The full list of hooks callable from vfox.

hooks/available.luaList all available versions
hooks/pre_install.luaParse version and return pre-installation information
hooks/env_keys.luaConfigure environment variables
hooks/post_install.luaExecute additional operations after install, such as compiling source code, etc
hooks/pre_use.luaAn opportunity to change the version before using it
hooks/parse_legacy_file.luaCustom parser for legacy version files
hooks/pre_uninstall.luaPerform some operations before uninstalling targeted version

Required hook functions


This hook function is called before the installation of the SDK. It is used to return the pre-installation information, such as the specific version, download source, and other information. vfox will help you download these files to a specific directory in advance. If it is a compressed package such as tar, tar.gz, tar.xz, zip, vfox will help you to decompress it directly.

By default, vfox reads the file name from the URL. If the last item in the URL is not a valid file name, you should specify the file name by appending a fragment at the end, so that vfox can identify the file format and decompress it. For example:

if the return value of version is empty, it means that the version is not found, and vfox will ask the user whether to perform a search operation.

function PLUGIN:PreInstall(ctx)
    --- input parameters
    local version = ctx.version
    --- the current version of vfox running
    local runtimeVersion = ctx.runtimeVersion
    return {
        --- sdk version
        version = "xxx",
        --- remote URL or local file path [optional]
        url = "xxx",
        --- request headers for remote URL [optional]
        headers = {
            ["xxx"] = "xxx",
        --- note information [optional]
        note = "xxx",
        --- SHA256 checksum [optional]
        sha256 = "xxx",
        --- md5 checksum [optional]
        md5 = "xxx",
        --- sha1 checksum [optional]
        sha1 = "xxx",
        --- sha512 checksum [optional]
        sha512 = "xxx",
        --- additional files [optional]
        addition = {
                --- additional file name !
                name = "xxx",
                --- other same as above


This hook function is called when the vfox search command is executed. It is used to return the current available version list. If there is no version, return an empty array.

function PLUGIN:Available(ctx)
    --- input parameters, array
    local args = ctx.args
    return {
            version = "xxxx",
            note = "LTS",
            addition = {
                    name = "npm",
                    version = "8.8.8",


vfox will cache the results of the Available hook to reduce the number of network requests. The default cache time is 12h. For details, see Cache Settings.


It is used to return the environment variables that need to be configured when using the SDK.

function PLUGIN:EnvKeys(ctx)
    --- this variable is same as ctx.sdkInfo['plugin-name'].path
    local mainPath = ctx.path
    local runtimeVersion = ctx.runtimeVersion
    local sdkInfo = ctx.sdkInfo['sdk-name']
    local path = sdkInfo.path
    local version = sdkInfo.version
    local name =
    return {
            key = "JAVA_HOME",
            value = mainPath
        --- NOTE: If you need to set multiple PATH paths, just pass multiple PATHs, vfox will automatically deduplicate and set them in the order of configuration
            key = "PATH",
            value = mainPath .. "/bin"
            key = "PATH",
            value = mainPath .. "/bin2"

Optional hook functions


You must delete the corresponding .lua file if you do not need these hook functions!


This hook function is called after the PreInstall function is executed. It is used to execute additional operations, such as compiling source code, etc. Implement as needed.

function PLUGIN:PostInstall(ctx)
    --- SDK installation root path
    local rootPath = ctx.rootPath
    local runtimeVersion = ctx.runtimeVersion
    ---  Get it from the name returned by PreInstall
    local sdkInfo = ctx.sdkInfo['sdk-name']
    local path = sdkInfo.path
    local version = sdkInfo.version
    local name =


When the user uses vfox use, the plugin's PreUse function is called. The purpose of this function is to return the version information entered by the user. If the PreUse function returns version information, vfox will use this new version.

function PLUGIN:PreUse(ctx)
    local runtimeVersion = ctx.runtimeVersion
    --- user input version
    local version = ctx.version
    --- user current used version
    local previousVersion = ctx.previousVersion

    --- installed sdks
    local sdkInfo = ctx.installedSdks['version']
    local path = sdkInfo.path
    local name =
    local version = sdkInfo.version

    --- working directory
    local cwd = ctx.cwd

    --- user input scope
    --- could be one of global/project/session
    local scope = ctx.scope

    --- return the version information
    return {
        version = version,

ParseLegacyFile >= 0.4.0

This hook is used to parse other configuration files to determine the version of the tool. For example, the .nvmrc file of nvm, the .sdkmanrc file of SDKMAN, etc.


This hook must be used with the legacyFilenames configuration item to tell vfox which files your plugin can parse.

location: metadata.lua

--- The list of legacy file names that the current plugin supports parsing, such as: .nvmrc, .node-version, .sdkmanrc
PLUGIN.legacyFilenames = {

location: hooks/parse_legacy_file.lua

function PLUGIN:ParseLegacyFile(ctx)
    local filename = ctx.filename
    local filepath = ctx.filepath
    --- Get the list of versions of the current plugin installed
    local versions = ctx:getInstalledVersions()

    return {
        --- need to return the specific version
        version = "x.y.z"

PreUninstall >= 0.4.0

This is called before the SDK is uninstalled. If the plugin needs to perform some operations before uninstalling, it can implement this hook function. For example, cleaning up the cache, deleting configuration files, etc.

Location: hooks/pre_uninstall.lua

function PLUGIN:PreUninstall(ctx)
    local mainSdkInfo = ctx.main
    local mainPath = mainSdkInfo.path
    local mversion = mainSdkInfo.version
    local mname =
    --- Other SDK information, the `addition` field returned in PreInstall, obtained by name
    local sdkInfo = ctx.sdkInfo['sdk-name']
    local path = sdkInfo.path
    local version = sdkInfo.version
    local name =

Test Plugin

Currently, VersionFox plugin testing is straightforward. You only need to place the plugin file in the ${HOME}/.version-fox/plugin directory and verify that your features are working using different commands. You can use print/printTable statements in Lua scripts for printing log.

  • PLUGIN:PreInstall -> vfox install <sdk-name>@<version>
  • PLUGIN:PostInstall -> vfox install <sdk-name>@<version>
  • PLUGIN:Available -> vfox search <sdk-name>
  • PLUGIN:EnvKeys -> vfox use <sdk-name>@<version>

In addition, you can use the --debug parameter to view more log information, for example:

vfox --debug install <sdk-name>@<version>
vfox --debug use <sdk-name>@<version>



Here is an example of a plugin that supports the Node.js.

You can refer to this plugin to develop your own plugin.

Publish to the public registry

vfox allows custom installation of plugins, such as:

vfox add --source

In order to make it easier for your users, you can add the plugin to the public registry to list your plugin and easily install it with shorter commands, such as vfox add nodejs.

For details, see How to submit a plugin to the public registry.

Released under the Apache 2.0 License.